Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sixteen and counting...

So it's 1:30 in the morning and I'm not overly tired. I've decided to overhaul this blog and get it set to write about the trip I am about to take. For those of you reading this if you don't already know, I leave for the Philippines in sixteen days and I won't be returning for about seven months. Here's the checklist that I have to complete still...

* Prep laptop
* Download Skype
* Pack
* Check travel documents (Work visa, passport, etc.)
* Get shots (Round 1) - Check
* Get shots (Round 2)
* Pick up anti-malaria perscription

I'm sure that there is more, but those are the big ones. I should however try to get some sleep tonight as I plan to be at work for 7ish.


Now playing: Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.


kavmac said...

since you're getting skype and you'll be there 7ish months... that's good... and then there's http://www.freephoneline.ca that will allow us to call you like a local call!

Unknown said...

Hope things are going well there, sorry I missed your party.
You so have to eat a tarantula ;)

Jay said...

I'll be watching you ;o)